Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Updates from the Baby Baboons - Elvis has arrived and the babies have moved house!

February saw a brand new arrival at N/a’an ku se when Elvis, a baby baboon, was brought to our wildlife sanctuary

Elvis came to us three months ago and has grown in size and personality ever since. When he first arrived at N/a’an ku se Elvis was very shy and wary of the other baboons. However over the last few months he has become far more confident and even stands up to Carola and Shauna, the top females in the baby baboon camp!

During the day Elvis spends his time with four other baby baboons (who have all just moved into a new camp). However, as he is only 6 months old and at the age where he would naturally still be with his mother, our volunteers still look after him over night, giving him his evening bottle feed and taking him to sleep with them so that he feels safe. Elvis is definitely the most tactile of the baboons and loves sleeping with the volunteers. However he has recently be given a new nickname – Smelvis – as he tends to have an extremely smelly nappy in the morning!

The Babies move house!

A new baby baboon camp was built last month by our volunteers and staff who worked incredibly hard preparing the ground, building the fences, creating new toys and a play area for the baboons and building wooden huts for them to sleep in at night.

The 9th of April saw the unveiling of the new camp and many of the volunteers and staff gathered to see the baby baboons try out their new home. We took them from their old smaller camp and released them into their new camp. Carola, Shauna, Rafiki, Elvis and Rudie were so excited, running around and jumping and climbing and exploring their new home!

Carola and Shauna are basking in their new realm and are definitely jointly ruling the camp! If either of them gets into a scuffle with one of the other baboons (or occasionally a volunteer!) then the other one will be there like a shot joining in the fight!

Rafiki and Elvis, after initially being rather wary of each other, are now good friends and, being typical boys, spend a lot of time play fighting. Occasionally their behaviour gets a little rambunctious so they are quickly reprimanded by Carola or Shauna!

Little Rudie has grown so much over the last few months. He is now nearly as big as Rafiki and Elvis and is becoming very much a little man. He is so much more confident and independent and absolutely adores spending time with all the volunteers, new and old, playing hide and seek and clambering over everyone at night time before he goes to bed!





1 comment:

  1. Good to see Rudie and the gang playing so well and growing, can't wait for a hug when I come out in September.....and Elvis looks like a right little "monkey" :)
